......at posting on this blog. I started with the best of intentions, but life just seemed to get in the way and all of a sudden just over 4 and 1/2 years go by. I guess that's what happens when you have kids, spare time for hobbies and interests that are not baby/toddler related just doesn't exist anymore, and its only when they grow up a little, need less supervising/entertaining that you start to get some time for yourself again. Time to use on your relationship with your partner (because its been worse for her!) and time to spend on those hobbies and pastimes you used to enjoy before you became a parent.
Just recently I have dusted off my paints and finished off some minis that have been sitting neglected for 4+ years. The impetus for this splurge was the WW2 ruleset 'Bolt Action" from Warlord Games.
I had been keeping an eye on the gaming hobby thru the various news websites and forums available, and when this game started to gain some foothold in the playing community round the world I started thinking about getting my toys out again.
And I am glad I did, the rules are good, simple but tactical, WW2 is an area of history I enjoy reading/learning about. and the available models are just flat out cool.
So, via a local wargaming club website I got in touch with another guy who was just starting out with Bolt Action, we spurred each other on to finish a useable force, and last Sunday we had our first game, using the board and scenery from those earlier posts in 2009!
No photos from that unfortunately, both of us forgetting to take any. But here is my Lieutenant and his Runner.
Both Artizan Designs US Para's. Painted up as 101st Airborne, ready to jump into Normandy. I'm thinking I will do all my WW2 models set up for D-Day.
I will get out the whole Army sometime soon and take a photo or two of the units, and an overall Army shot.
I must remember to get some 'in action' photos from the next game too.