Thursday, December 12, 2013

Reinforcements arrive.

The first of the Glider Troops arrive
These are Crusader Miniatures that I will be using to add a couple of squads of Glider Infantry to the Army. The 327th GIR was part of the 101st Airborne Division and was part of the attack on Carentan in the first few days after D-Day. I've also painted up a lone Warlord US observer that I am sure will come in useful at some point.
Highlighting WIP
I realized that I had 3 minis the same, so thought a quick photo of my painting progression might be worthwhile, I will add colour guides later. 
I do like little tanks!

This is a West Wind M8 GMC, it has a light Howitzer and a HMG so should be fun to use.
Its a 1/60th scale so is a little small, but I've had it for ages, so its worth painting up. These are WIP pics, I still have details to paint, the crew to do, and the base to finish, so will post finished pics later.