Most of what I have been painting these last few years has been 28mm WW2 so I will start with a look at scenery that matches.
First up is the Farmhouse.
Its a direct copy of the one in the Rules of Engagement Rulebook, (my favourite WW2 rules set)
A thick cardboard base with popsicle stick weatherboards and tile grout rendering on top. Match stick door and window frames, a carved polystyrene chimney and cereal packet tiles on the roof (which is removeable). I still have some final painting to do, like the whole roof, but overall I am quite pleased with it. I had never tried rendering or weatherboards before and it came out ok. I will have a go at some out buildings at some point in the future to turn it into a proper little farm.
Ive made a few sections of hedges as well. These are based on examples I saw on the Terragenisis Web site. They are made from green pot scourers cut to size, based on hardboard, roughed up a bit and drybrushed with a bit of yellow. They are not fantastic, but are very cheap and quick to make, and break up the flat plain of the gaming board providing much needed cover for the troops.
Heres a close up with an Artizan US Para included for scale.
Ive made a few sections with trees included, some with rocks, and, as you can see, a couple of corner sections. I think I still need a few more sections, one with a gate, maybe some fence sections, and definatly more corners, and maybe a couple of T sections......
There are a few tree bases to put down, based on old CDs, they are just Woodland Scenics Tree Armitures glued on, the base covered with grout, painted and the clumpy tree stuff glued on. They look OK, and are quite economical, you get a lot of armitures in a bag.......
Ive got a couple of just trees, and have started to make some tree and rock combos.
While on holiday last year I noticed some type of lichen growing on the trees next to my tent, so I grabbed a couple of handfulls, dried it out when I got home and mounted it on some thick card. A bit of flock and some Woodland Scenics clump foliage and I have some scrubby cover to drop around the place. They look darker in colour in real life than in the photos, but are probably a bit too pale to fit in well with this particular table layout, but they cost me almost nothing so they cant be too bad.
While doing some work in the garden the other week, I noticed a different type of Lichen growing on the trees down the back. I grabbed some and will have a go making a few more bases. Its a different texture and colour so will add more variety.
Heres all of it laid out.
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